Flokkur: Ferðalög

14.09.2007 14:39


Var að setja inn fleiri myndir frá ferðalaginu í Ágúst 2007.


06.09.2007 15:35

The Eagle?s Nest

The Eagle?s Nest

Since 1960, the Eagle?s Nest has been managed by the Berchtesgaden tourist board and run by a local concessionaire as a mountain top restaurant.
The impressive edifice with its meter thick walls is situated atop the Kehlstein mountain offering guests a breathtaking view over the Berchtesgaden area.
The theatrical aspects of the project are already encountered with
the 124 m (406 ft) marble-like stone tunnel that leads to a splendid brass elevator.
In only 41 seconds, the lift travels another 124 meters into the Eagle?s Nest building itself.


sea level 1834 m
construction period 1 year
lift 124 m
tunnel 124 m
panorama view up to 200

The History
The Eagle?s Nest was designed as a birthday present for Adolf Hitler?s 50th birthday by Martin Bormann on behalf of the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Hitler in fact seldom visited the Eagle?s Nest. The allied bombing of World War II did not damage the Eagle?s Nest and thanks to the intervention of former Governor Jacob, the Eagle?s Nest was spared being blown up after the war.

Today the Eagle?s Nest remains in its original state. In 1960, on the occasion of the 150th celebration of Berchtesgaden?s incorporation into Bavaria, the Bavarian government relinquished its control of the building to a trust that ensures that the proceeds are used for charitable purposes.

03.08.2007 14:07

La Gomeria

Var að setja inn myndir frá einni af kanarí eyjunum La Gomeria, en þangað fór ég í dagsferð í Júní 2007.

Siglt er frá Los Cristianos til höfuðstaðarins San Sebastian þar sem Kólumbus hlóð skip sín og undirbjó þau til ferðar vestur um haf. La Gomeria er næstum hringlaga, frekar lítil eyja og gróðursæl. Þetta er það sem ég man núna set fleira um eyjuna við fyrsta tækifæri.

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